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Odessa singing to the tune of 'National Make Music Day'

Odessa Arts is having many performances Friday night at the Wagner Noel, Black Tulip Full Moon Party, the Woodson Park Juneteenth event and more.

ODESSA, Texas — There’s nothing like the sound of music.

And Friday is National Make Music Day.

Odessa Arts, as they usually do, had an idea.

"How cool would that be if we had music popping up all over Midland-Odessa?" said Ginny Van Doren-Truong, marketing agent of Odessa Arts.

And West Texas will definitely be popping Friday.

It all started at 2 p.m. at the Odessa Market Street Starbucks with local Marlon Fick.

Credit: Odessa Arts

"And then at 6:00 it's like music literally everywhere," Doren-Truong said.

  • Hi-Tone School of Music will be at The Boardroom from 6-8 p.m. 
  • Odessa Arts will also be at the Globe Theater for Cabaret Night from 6-9 p.m. 
  • Sam Choate will be at the Black Tulip Full Moon Party from 6-10 p.m.
  • Track City will be at Music Mall from 7-8 p.m.
  • Odessa Arts will be at the Taylor Shines Laser Show at Wagner Noel from 7:30-9:30 p.m. "That's a Taylor Swift inspired laser light show and that's the only performance that's actually ticketed. All of the other performances are free," Van Doren-Truong said.
  • There will be a Juneteenth Talent Search at Woodson Park from 9-10 p.m. Landon Torbett will also be at Woodson Park from 10-11:30 p.m.

And if you miss out on all the performances Friday, Odessa Arts has music for your ears with their Beacon West Magazine.

We had the privilege of designing Odessa Arts new magazine Beacon West. We created a template that will help the editor...

Posted by The Locals Design Co. on Thursday, October 6, 2022

"And inside that magazine you can see where there's live music happening almost every single day in Midland-Odessa," Van Doren-Truong said.

And all this music might not have been sung, strung or played if it weren’t for Odessa Arts.

"One of the really great things that Odessa Arts was a champion in is getting Odessa specifically as a music friendly city," Van Doren-Truong said. "And that happened about three years ago."

Because Odessa sure has that musical touch.

"Like literally anybody who is having music," Van Doren-Truong said. "We said 'let's champion our folks that are artistically inclined and have a love for music and let's provide them with spaces outside of your traditional kind of theaters to perform.'"

So if you have time Friday night, make sure to visit all of these places that are sure to be popping.

To hear some local musicians do their thing.

Odessa Arts has also put together a music registry at odessaarts.org.

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