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Coyote activity is increasing in West Texas, how to keep your furry friend safe

Texas Parks and Wildlife said coyote mating season happens mid-January to early March.

MIDLAND, Texas — While Texas Parks and Wildlife designates mid-January through early March as coyote mating season, West Texas sees a vast coyote presence year-round. 

Sibley Nature Center Scientist and Naturalist Michael Nickell describes coyotes as highly opportunistic and adaptable, so it comes as no surprise that people are having more frequent sightings. 

"Coyotes have been here a lot longer than any humans so I guess you could say that as we expand our living quarters, we're moving more into wildlife habitat and you're expected to find more coyotes and other types of wildlife," Nickell said. 

Nickell has heard of coyotes attacking pets in the past, most of those cases involving dogs. 

"Take UTPB, there's a nice walking trail out there, but they do have signs warning that there are coyote presences and to keep your dog on a leash," Nickell said. "They're opportunistic and if a small dog that might be interested in a bigger dog-like animal, it could be lured away and easily devoured." 

However, attacks are not the only danger that household pets face from coyotes. Recently, Nickell saw a dead coyote that was later found to have distemper, a viral K-9 disease

"It's especially severe for younger dogs," Nickell said. "I've seen veterinary offices telling visitors to keep their puppies off the floor because there might be sick animals that have come through there so the puppy might pick up disease like that."

Though coyotes may not be the world's favorite wild animal, they do play a role in helping the environment. 

"Well, I don't want a coyote for a pet, but I don't want to see them all killed off either because they do provide a functioning role in nature as being mid-level predators," Nickell said. "So they do keep the rodent and rat population in check."

The best thing for pet owners to do is secure their pet's safety by keeping them close and on a leash. 

RELATED: Coyote mating season: How to protect your pets

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