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Heat safety tips in our State Parks

How to stay safe from the heat while enjoying the wilderness.

TEXAS, USA — With school out, families are looking for good ways to enjoy the summer. Spending quality time outdoors is always a good option, if you can beat the heat. High temperatures are expected to stay in the triple digits for most of this week and that can make the outdoors dangerous if you don't take the proper precautions.

This is especially true if you plan on visiting the wilderness where medical attention may not be immediately available. Luckily, staying safe is actually pretty simple. According to Wilderness First Responder Phil Salonek, one of the most important things to do is to stay hydrated. Drink water throughout the day and try to avoid alcohol and energy drinks which can dehydrate you.

Another good safety tip is to dress appropriately for the heat. This means to wear long-sleeved clothing which absorb sweat and prevent the sun from shining directly onto your skin keeping you cooler. Wide brimmed hats are also a good idea.

The wilderness also presents some unique dangerous with warmer temps. The first is an increase in reptile activity, including rattlesnakes. Be sure to watch where you step and don't approach snakes if you see them. Another creature to watch out for is wasps. Wasps love to find sources of moisture in hot temps which can usually be found near humans. Brining bug/wasp spray is a good way to avoid these insects.

One of the best things you can do is to beat the heat is avoid it. By this I mean avoid the peak heating hours i.e. 3 to 6 pm. The mornings and evenings are the best times to spend outside. Summers around here can be brutal, but by following the advice above, it's still possible to find enjoyment in the heat. 

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