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Texas Stock Rally holds Cars and Christmas Rally

The rally was a way for the community to spend time together on Christmas.

MIDLAND, Texas — Texas Stock Rally held a "Cars and Christmas" event Sunday at the Midland Cracker Barrel.

The rally had dozens of cars on display for attendees, ranging from old school Chevrolet to modern day Corvette Stingrays.

Also at the rally was live music, donuts and Santa Clause, who posed on cars and took pictures with the children.

Josue Alarcon is the organizer of the event and has held car rallies with Texas Stock Rally since the pandemic.

"It started because of COVID," Alarcon said. "There’s nothing to do around here so I was like, that’s when this whole Texas Stock Rally thing started and what not. It’s become from three cars to now averaging from 100 to 150 cars.”

Raul Pena of Texas Mopar Muscle was one of many who displayed a car, showing off his 2006 Dodge Viper to the masses.

It wasn't about the fancy cars for Pena though. It was about spending quality time with his family and friends within the local car community.

"Just being surrounded with friends and family, coming out with like minded individuals that love this, love the cars and love the events of the community," Pena said about being out at the rally.

Alarcon was proud of the event, saying it helped families spend more time together during Christmas while also giving them something to do before spending Christmas evening with other family.

“Yeah, it gives people something to do. There’s quite a bit of people here that come in for work, don’t have families and have nothing else to do," Alarcon said. "Then also, there’s a weird gap, you know, when you go with your family. You open presents in the morning or hang out in the morning and then there’s that gap between where you’re about to switch families and it gives people something to do.”

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