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Midland City Council approves preliminary plat for YMCA expansion

It was a full house inside of the City of Midland Council Chamber as residents spent nearly two hours voicing their thoughts on the YMCA expansion.

MIDLAND, Texas — It was a packed house Tuesday in Midland Council Chamber with folks even having to stand out in the hallway, as there was discussion over the proposed location for an additional YMCA.

Public comments on just this item lasted nearly two hours, with comments coming from those opposing the expansion and those in favor of it. 

Brittany Roberts is a mom of three boys who use the YMCA in Midland. 

"It's a nervous thing to not understand if you're gonna have childcare because Midland is growing at such a large capacity," Roberts said.

Roberts came out to speak at Tuesday's council meeting to show her support for the YMCA expansion. 

An expansion that'll help her and her family.

"We need the expansion to the North where there's not a lot of options out there and be more close to our home," Roberts said. "I live out in that area so having that north expansion will also benefit me and tons of other families as well."

Roberts wasn't the only resident who spoke in favor of the expansion. 

"I think it's important that this community does get this Y," one resident said.

Another resident commented, "I like to think that change brings progress."

While others took to the podium opposing it due to traffic and safety concerns. 

"Please be a City Council and make a stand help guild the Y," one resident said.

You can hear another resident say in the meeting that "what it feels like to the community out there is that we are going to do a build and worry about the infrastructure later".

Roberts recognized those on the opposing side but stresses the importance of this growth for the community.

"I hope that we can really work together to do this it doesn't have to be this group, let's be a community," Roberts said. "Lets figure this out, lets get it going because it's a need right now not five years down the road [from] now."

In a vote, this motion passed 5-2. Councilwoman Amy Stretcher-Burkes and Councilman Dan Corrales voted against it. 

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