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Midland County working to establish job titles for Horseshoe staff

Midland County took over management of the Horseshoe about a month ago. Since the start of the transition, they have been working to establish job titles.

MIDLAND COUNTY, Texas — It's been about a month since Midland County took over management of the Midland Horseshoe Arena.

As the county is in the process of transitioning, HR Director Robert Segura has been actively looking to establish jobs at the facility.

"I was tasked with identifying positions that we potentially need as we transition from horseshoe management to Midland County employees," Segura said.

Those involved have pulled together a pretty good plan for what will be necessary.

"Our idea is to retain as many Horseshoe management folks as possible, but at the end of the day, we have to continue operations without some key information," Segura said.

For him to see what positions and roles are needed, Segura has met with similar facilities in the Midland-Odessa area.

"I ultimately needed to visit with the Bush Center, Wagner Noel, Ector County Coliseum, to identify what like positions would be initially needed," Segura said. "And then once our new director starts. Then we can navigate how those positions ultimately look. We would initially need administrative, marketing, the facilities labor to set up and tear down events."

With the Horseshoe being a frequently used event space, there's also talks of providing part-time positions.

"We actually recommended a pool of money for part-time employees as well," Segura said. "It’s set up very similar to the Midland County Library, where we have a fund to hire part-time employees because this is really event-based. So, we won’t need people all the time, but we will need an influx of employees during special events."

New Horseshoe Director Ken Olsen doesn't start until next week, but the county is ensuring he has all he needs for his first day.

"We want him to have something to walk into, so we’re providing him the clay, he can form the clay once he walks in," Segura said.

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