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Odessa family gets door kicked in on Halloween night

For one Odessa family, what started off as a fun Halloween night passing out candy, ended in the family getting their front door kicked in.

ODESSA, Texas — One Odessa family spent Halloween night the same way many other families did, enjoying each others time, trick-or-treating and passing out candy. However, the end of the night wasn't such a treat. There was a doorbell ring, but it wasn't friendly trick-or-treaters.

"We had just hung up our out of candy sign. I just hear a loud bang," the homeowner said. "I know my brother in law just left so I thought maybe one of his kids slammed my door. I was like 'who slammed the door' and one of the other kids that was at my house was like 'hey they kicked in your door'. I was like 'what do you mean they kicked in your door'?"

The homeowner went on to talk more about what happened.

"As soon as the door was kicked in I went out there and I heard my brother call in the [car] plates and I told my wife I said 'call the cops', already knew, let’s get the cops coming," the homeowner said.

The Police arrived to the residence nearly seven minutes later.

"They gave us a case number and said get in contact with the detective and I know they’re gonna do what they can to help us out here," said the homeowner.

His family is safe but still upset by damages done. 

"Lot of anger I mean no one wants to be fixing their house in the middle of the night bothering their neighbors," the homeowner said. "Fortunately they didn’t kick the door right so the door stayed in tact it was just the frame got busted in a couple spots I was able to get it secure last night and it’s gonna hold until I actually repair it properly."

The Police still haven't caught who kicked in this family's door, but the homeowner does have a message for them and others who think this is okay. 

"It’s just not worth your life trying to have a night of fun with your friends be careful and think of yourself in more aspects of that quick moment because it can cost you a lot longer than you think it does," the homeowner said. "Kicking down a door or little mischievous acts like that isn’t worth your life at the end of the day."

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