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Greenwood area residents see frequent car burglaries

Local residents are shocked by the car burglaries that have occurred in their quiet, country landscape. People are now keeping cars locked and putting up cameras.

GREENWOOD, Texas — A recent surge in car burglaries in Greenwood has residents taking extra precaution, with some people even having additional items taken from their property. 

Several local residents tell NewsWest 9 that they are going to be locking up their cars and putting up security cameras. As the quiet, country landscape of the Greenwood area has experienced these burglaries, the reality of the situation is shocking. 

In Greenwood, there is plenty of footage on "The Greenwood Grapevine" Facebook page that shows burglars in action. 

“From what I’ve seen is it’s door handle check, and then if it’s not [then] quick flashlight and valuable in sight," Marcus McDaniel, a Greenwood resident and victim of burglary, said. "If not, then they’re not breaking any windows.” 

Burglars came up empty in some attempts, but that has not always been the case. One video showed them ravaging through the cab of a truck when they found the doors unlocked. For a separate truck, they did break a window. 

“It looks like almost a systematic approach of moving through the neighborhood," McDaniel said. "You can see it on the Ring app where the first people reported it and it’s just kind of moved, and from the video footage though -- you can see online on Facebook -- it’s just driving up and down street-by-street, like a garbage man just checking door handles.” 

McDaniel had his car and glove box looked through. 

On his street near Greenwood ISD, a nice part of town, this is new for residents. 

Mike and Lisa Liebelt live in southeast Midland County, and they were also victims of burglary. 

“Ours dated back to December 9th, so it’s been – today’s the 10th of January – so it’s been going on for well over a month of three-to-four robberies a night, every night," Mike Liebelt said. 

Their vehicles were left alone, but they did lose other valuables. 

“There was an ATV stolen, various hand tools, cordless tools [and] things of that nature out of the shop," Mike Liebelt said. 

Out in the country, they too are surprised by this. 

“Protect your personal goods," Mike Liebelt said. "[It’s] unfortunate that private properties aren’t respected for what they are, but it’s the world that we’re living in today, and at least here in Midland County you got to lock your stuff up.” 

As burglaries continue in the Greenwood area, residents are concerned about law enforcement support. 

“I don’t know much, right, we’re newer residents here, but there’s a serious lack of police presence," McDaniel said. 

Mike Liebelt agreed.

“We haven’t seen what I would call an increased presence in patrol, or police presence in general, in…southeast Midland County," Mike Liebelt said. 

The Midland County Sheriff’s office did announce on Facebook that it was working tirelessly to solve the burglaries and put a stop to them. 

Sheriff David Criner reminded citizens to always lock their vehicles and to never leave a firearm in their vehicle. 

On Friday, Sheriff David Criner sent out a notice with more information on the thefts.

The statement read:

"The Midland County Sheriff’s Office and the Midland Crime Stoppers need your help in solving multiple vehicle burglaries.

In the early morning hours of January 7th, through January 9th, 2024, several unknown suspects began breaking into vehicles both locked and unlocked in the Greenwood area. Security cameras from these areas show the suspects exiting a vehicle (also found to be stolen) and illegally entering other vehicles, stealing cash and guns. Security cameras have captured 3 to 4 suspects committing these burglaries. In reviewing the videos all suspects wear masks, long sleeve shirts and pants to hide their identity. At this time over 30 vehicles have been burglarized in the Midland County Greenwood area. Videos and pictures of these suspects have been attached and can be viewed on the Midland Crime Stoppers facebook page.

If you have any information on these burglaries that lead to the arrests of these suspects, you will be eligible for a $1,000 cash reward. Call Midland crime stoppers at 694-TIPS or use the P3 mobile tips app. Remember no caller ID is ever used, and you will remain anonymous.

For Midland Crime Stoppers and the Midland County Sheriff’s Office, I am Lt. Chris Fuentes."

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