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Mario Chacon's legal team decides to move case to a jury trial, his lawyer says

Chacon's lawyer Steve Hershberger told NewsWest 9 that they have pending motion to quash the murder indictment.

MIDLAND, Texas — Mario Juan Chacon Jr., who was charged with the murder of his former girlfriend Madeline Pantoja back in May, and his legal team filed a demand late Wednesday to move the case to a jury trial.

Chacon's lawyer Steve Hershberger told NewsWest 9 that they have multiple motions in the works.

"We have pending motion to quash the indictment, a motion for expert reports [and] a motion for an autopsy report," Hershberger said. "There are three to four other motions [as well]."

Hershberger claims that they have not seen an autopsy report and don't know what happened to Pantoja.

"We have no indication of what was the cause of death, the time of death or even the place of death," said Hershberger.

Court documents report that the jury trial date is set for Dec. 4, 2023, but Hershberger is think of pushing the jury trial back.

"We are still in the beginning faze," Hershberger said. "[So] we may be asking the court to move that trial to later."

NewsWest 9 will update this story once we learn more.

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