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Big Spring welcomes first, brand new charter school

Pathway Charter School will have 10 staff members and 150 students attending, according to the superintendent.

BIG SPRING, Texas — Big Spring welcomed their first, brand new charter school on Tuesday. It will officially open for students and teachers in August of next year.

Pathway Charter School will have 10 staff members and 150 students attending, according to Pathway Academy Superintendent Thaddeus McCallister. The school will have 50 students for each grade level.

The school will serve students in 7th through 9th grade.

NewsWest 9 was told that every year 50 more students will be added until they are fully functional.

"I'm deeply humbled by the ability to go through this process and bring Big Spring's first charter school to the area. The vision started about five years ago when I wanted to do something to give back to our community, but I wasn't for sure on exactly what," McCallister said. "So, when I started looking into this idea of a charter school, it was one that I thought was not in reach for the next 20 years. Texas Education Agency actually came out with something called the Texas Charter School In Conveyor. Its where they chose five leaders across the whole state of Texas to start charter schools in areas where they felt they were most needed. I applied to be put into the program and put me through an interview process and at the end, we came out victorious."

If anyone wants to check out more information related to the charter school, visit pathwayhc.org.

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