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Fort Stockton High School students celebrate Spirit Week with big mums, bigger school spirit

From Spider-Man-themed designs to personal tributes, the Texas tradition of mums symbolizes school pride, community and self-expression.

FORT STOCKTON, Texas — It’s Spirit Week at Fort Stockton High School, and Homecoming is always a busy and exciting time for students.

“Homecoming is a chance to express yourself through your mum,” said Nylaya Benavente, a senior at Fort Stockton.

Avan Lujan, another senior and the school’s mascot, echoed that sentiment.

“It’s been really busy with a lot of appearances, but it’s been fun,” Lujan said.

For senior Caris Sanchez, Homecoming is about more than just school spirit.

“I think it’s about bringing the community together,” Sanchez said.

As is tradition in Texas, Homecoming Week means one thing above all — mums.

“My mum is Spider-Man. I’ve loved Spider-Man since I was little,” Sanchez said. 

Aubrie Salgaeo, the reigning Miss Fort Stockton, showcased a huge pink mum that she wanted to resemble a "Barbie" theme with a silver dangling crown. 

For senior Kaia Saavedra, the appeal of mums lies in the variety.

“I just love seeing everyone’s mums and all the different styles,” Saavedra said.

Senior Livia Lujan agrees, saying mums are a way to show individuality.

“It really shows everyone’s personality and how they express themselves through their accessories and how they wanted to design it,” Lujan said.

Even new students like Kayla Feuntez, who transferred to Fort Stockton after a tornado hit her hometown of Sanderson, are eager to join in on the spirit.

“I came here because of the tornado,” Feuntez said.

Despite being new, her school spirit is just as bright as anyone else’s.

When asked what the favorite part of her Deadpool-themed mum was, she said, "Probably the top — I like that it has his mask."

Walking through the halls, it’s clear these mums are more than just big decorations — they’re symbols of school spirit.

But for others, like Livia Lujan, mums carry deeper meaning.

“I started these around eight o’clock last night after the bonfire. I bedazzled this myself, and the Purple Heart is for one of my friends who passed away,” Lujan said.

For Lujan, Homecoming is also a time of remembrance.

“She’s the one who introduced me to my friend group because I never really talked to them before,” Lujan said, speaking about her friend Anahi, who passed away in 2019.

Even in the midst of sadness, Fort Stockton High finds harmony.

Homecoming Week is a time to choose new kings and queens, but in the end, the real royalty is in how these students express themselves.

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