BIG SPRING, Texas — Howard College is joining many colleges across the country in making changes to its fall schedule.
Classes for fall semester are now scheduled to begin August 17, and finals week will now be before Thanksgiving. The last day of final exams will be November 24.
This will modify courses from a 16-week schedule down to a 15-week schedule.
Flexible semesters such as the 8-week courses and December mini session will also have modified start and end dates
“The health and safety of our students, faculty, and staff is our number one priority and has been the driving force in our decision-making process,” said Dr. Cheryl Sparks, Howard College President.
As far as the classroom structure, that will look different as well.
A hybrid of in-person and virtual learning will take place, but the details of how that will look exactly are not yet set in stone.
Howard College will provide further updates as more policies and procedures are finalized.