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West Texas Food Bank hit hard as gas prices increase

Craig Stoker, Director of Marketing at West Texas Food Bank said high gas prices really add up when they serve an area the size of the state of Maine.

MIDLAND, Texas — High gas prices make it hard enough on our wallets to pay those prices. It really hurts when you have to drive around an area the size of a small state for five days a week. 

That's what the West Texas Food Bank does. The non-profit delivers food to families in need all across the basin.

NewsWest 9 spoke to Craig Stoker, Director of Marketing at West Texas Food Bank. He said those high gas prices may be driving them to make some changes.

"We are an organization that operates like your household, we got bills to pay like electricity in our warehouse," said Stoker. "When the prices are up for the average consumer, it's greater for us because we do things on such a large scale. When a price goes up it makes us keep an eye on the costs."

Last year, the average price gasoline in Texas was about 3 dollars per gallon. Stoker said it is concerning where the costs can be headed especially as they serve many counties.

"We serve 19 counties through a network of over 140 partner agencies and that means that we do a lot of driving," said Stoker. "The area we serve is around the size of Maine. We have a fleet of box trucks, 18 wheelers and transport vans to fill up on."

Stoker told NewsWest 9 that any increase on any product can be very impactful for the families in town.

"When you throw an additional dollar for gas that leaves some people in a place where food is an easy thing to cut out of their budget," said Stoker. "If bills go up like 10 dollars and you are short at the grocery store, you're probably going cut back on food for the adults, feed the kiddos instead."

While the rising prices can lead to cuts, Stoker said the food banks mission has not changed.

"We want to make sure food is not cut off your budget," said Stoker. "We hope we are able to soften the blow if we can provide those necessary items for them to have a nutritious meal on the table."

If you are interested in volunteering with the West Texas Food Bank or want to know more information on how to get food from the food bank click here.

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