BIG SPRING, Texas — Hundreds of West Texans went to the West Texas VA HCS for their COVID-19 vaccinations in frigid temperatures.
This was the first drive-thru COVID-19 vaccine event for the clinic.
Temperatures were around 28 degrees in the morning hours of January 9.
Veterans lined up around 6:00 a.m. waiting to be given the Moderna vaccination.
“I talked to my doctor,” says U.S. Army retired Veteran Randy Ferguson. “He answered all my questions, and just like getting the flu shot every year, he recommended I get this vaccination.”
Ferguson scheduled an appointment days ahead of the time to make sure he would receive the vaccine.
He also says the speed and ease of the drive-thru clinic was very professional like and wanted to thank West Texas VA for their efforts.
“Our goal is to vaccinate every Veteran who wants it,” says WTVAHCS Director Jason Cave. “As fast as we receive our allotments of the vaccination, we will be scheduling appointments.”
More than 300 Veterans are scheduled to receive the vaccine at a future date.
“We practiced every contingency we could think of,” says Chief of Pharmacy Dr. Larry Thompson. “We knew we had a big task ahead of us, and we owe it to our Veterans to make this as efficient and convenient as circumstances allow.”
West Texas VA HCS is one of 113 VA medical centers that received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine across the country.