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Midland County resident contracts West Nile Virus

For the first time this year, Midland Health Services has reported their first West Nile Virus case.

MIDLAND, Texas — A Midland County resident has contracted the West Nile Virus (WNV), Midland Health Services reported on Thursday.

It is the first time this year that a person in Midland has contracted the virus, according to a City of Midland press release.

In May, it was learned that some mosquitoes in Midland County were carrying the dangerous disease.

"Humans are exposed to WNV when they are bitten by mosquitoes that have fed on infected birds," a press release stated. "The infected mosquitoes can then spread the disease to humans through a mosquito bite. This disease cannot be spread person-to-person. 80% of those who are infected show no symptoms at all. "

For people who develop systems related to WNV, this is what they include:

  • Headache  
  • Fever  
  • Muscle and joint aches  
  • Nausea  
  • Fatigue  

According to the city's release, one in 150 people may develop central nervous system infections and can experience additional symptoms that include neck stiffness, stupor, disorientation, coma, tremors, convulsions, muscle weakness and paralysis.

The release further added that since there are not any medications or vaccines to treat WNV currently, the best ways to help lessen the symptoms are rest, fluids and over-the-counter pain medications.

The best ways to reduce mosquito bites:

  • Wearing an EPA registered insect repellant  
  • Covering up with long-sleeves and pants  
  • Keeping mosquitoes out of living areas by using air conditioning or intact window screens.
  • Limiting outdoor activities during peak mosquito times (sunrise and sunset)  
  • Dumping standing water around your home. 

For more information on the West Nile Virus, click here.

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