MIDLAND, Texas — When triple digit temperatures hit, it's easy to overheat and it's important to keep an eye on vulnerable populations like children and seniors.
"You know, we know it's hot out, but sometimes we don't realize, many of our elderly, their air conditioning is not working," said Kathleen Kerwan-Haynie, executive director for Senior Life Midland. "Many cannot afford to run their air conditioners, and sometimes we have older people that just really don't remember to run their air conditioners."
This is why it's so important to check on your elderly neighbors and family.
"Please check your homebound elderly neighbors, just call and check on them if you haven't seen a lot of activity in the last day or so, always just knock on the door and make sure they're okay," said Kerwan-Haynie.
If you are extremely worried, call the police or find them someplace cool.
"If you know that somebody is not doing well, always call 911 if you're not sure what to do," said Kerwan-Haynie. "But if they're just aware of what's going on, and just really hot, and just wanting to go somewhere, they can go to those cooling stations."