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Local seniors have a hard time paying their high electric bills

It's getting hard for our local seniors to pay their electric bills in these summer months, which is why Senior Life of Midland has stepped up to help them out.

MIDLAND, Texas — Senior Life of Midland has stepped up to help local seniors who are finding it hard to pay their utilities bills this summer.

“It’s been over 10 seniors so far that we’ve helped. I think it’s just the impact of the hot weather and the heat bringing all utility bills up," Tracy Renton, Senior Life of Midland director of development and marketing said.  "But for a senior it really does impact their quality of life."

Renton said they've noticed many seniors are forced to choose between buying much needed medication or paying their bills.

"Many of the bills we’re fortunate enough to have the funding to assist them but a lot of time it’s bills that are pass due that are really causing a lot of financial struggle," Renton said. "Many times, a senior may not pay their utility bill because they have medications, they need to pay so we can come in and help them get caught up on those utility bills."

Senior Life of Midland has covered some bills costing more than $300.

"Many times, they're on fixed incomes so, we’ve actually been assisting some of our seniors on meals on wheels with their utility bills and sometimes we’re paying utility bills that are $300, $400, $500 range," Renton said.

As for the seniors, they appreciate the assistance.

"Many of our seniors are so grateful that our agency is able to help with dignity items, bills, additional food," said Renton.

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