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Rope Youth Food First program back for a fourth year

Kids can also pick up free books while getting free meals.

MIDLAND, Texas —

There are multiple schools and organizations in Midland that give out meals to kids during the day in the summer. Rope Youth in Midland is one of those organizations. 

Their program Food First has been serving meals to kids during the day in the summer. However, they are changing their hours.

“So part of Rope Youth Food First is we focus on an evening meal because as we're getting organized one thing you don't want to do is duplicate services," said Karl Boroski, executive director of Rope Youth. "So, we know that there are schools in MISD that are open. There's other organizations that are open to feed lunch, but we are aware of the need for an evening meal, so you know our meal time that we serve is between 5:00 and 7:00 p.m.”

Boroski also said the number of kids they’ve been feeding over the last couple of years has only been going up. 

“Right off the first day, you know, we saw 200 kids and then yesterday right off the bat, it was 419 that we serve. So that's typically more than we usually would see the first couple days because it always goes up," Boroski said. "That just goes to show that there's a need and it's going to be a busy summer for us feeding kids.”

Not every kid and their family has the time during the day to go get a meal somewhere, so having the option to go during the evening makes a huge difference for those kind of families. 

“And we do see families every day, and we do hear from families of, you know, how it's a blessing to them because, like, the one thing is just because of the financial aspect of it," Boroski said. "So, anybody with multiple kids, this is just so much of a help and a blessing to them and that's what we want to be."

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