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Civil Lawsuit filed by four Trinity Administrators against Midland County, City of Midland, Laura Nodolf and Jennie Alonzo

This lawsuit is for violations by the defendants of the U.S. Constitution and laws of the U.S.

MIDLAND, Texas — The attorney of the four Trinity Administrators involved in a Failure to Report with Intent to Conceal Neglect or Abuse case have filed a civil action lawsuit against Midland County, the City of Midland, Laura Nodolf, and Jennie Alonzo. 

All of the charges against Todd Freese, Adrianne Clifton, Chrystal Myers and Shelby Hammer were dropped on April 26, 2023 after being arrested back in February of 2022. 

On May 26, 2023, lawyers for the Trinity School of Midland and four administrators filed a petition for damages against the family. 

Here is a statement for attorneys Frank Sellers and Allison Clayton:

"Today, the Trinity Four filed a federal lawsuit against Laura Nodolf, Midland County, the City of Midland, and Jennie Alonzo for violating and conspiring to violate their Constitutional Rights. Because their criminal trial ended in a dismissal before they could even present any evidence, to this day the Trinity Four have never had their day in court. This lawsuit is the only way the Trinity Four can seek answers and some measure of justice against Midland County, Laura Nodolf, and her co-conspirators. We look forward to showing the world what these Defendants, through Laura Nodolf, did to these educators."

A jury trial has been requested by the four Trinity Administrators. We will continue to update this story as we receive more information. 

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