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Curbside Bistro in Odessa gives away Thanksgiving meals

Curbside Bistro gave away free Thanksgiving meals to those needing them, no questions asked.

ODESSA, Texas — Curbside Bistro celebrated their annual free thanksgiving event today.

They gave away free Thanksgiving meals to anyone who showed up needing a meal, no questions asked.

The idea for the event came to co-owner Alejandro Barrientos nine years ago when he was at a restaurant in Austin. A little boy and his father came into the restaurant and asked the owner if they were doing a food giveaway for Thanksgiving. 

This inspired Barrientos and his wife to give away meals during Thanksgiving whenever they opened up their own restaurant.

Today this event is something that is looked forward to not only by Curbside Bistro, but also the community.

“The response we hear from the community is an overwhelmingly, positive, amazing support. They love us, we love them; we love the community that we serve. It’s just nothing but good, nothing but good. They can’t wait for it to come next year, the people who volunteer especially.” said Stephanie Barrientos, co-owner of Curbside Bistro.

The line stretched around the block due to the amount of people showing up.

The owners of curbside bistro are more than happy to give back to the community like this every year on thanksgiving.

“To be able to pull this off is amazing. It's just an amazing, beautiful blessing. Especially to see the community come together as one; just wanting to help out... It's just beautiful to see the community, to serve other people.” Barrientos continued.

Curbside Bistro says they hope to be able to have even more food next year so they can serve more people.

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