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Denise Norman announces candidacy for District 1 representative on the MISD Board of Trustees

Norman has worked as an administrator and human resources director in the oil and gas industry.
Credit: KWES

MIDLAND, Texas — Denise Norman has announced her filing to serve as the District 1 Representative on the MISD Board of Trustees.  

Norman has worked as an administrator and human resources director in the oil and gas industry.

If elected to serve, Norman stated in the press release that she will support district initiatives that improve student outcomes, empower educators and support early literacy programs to ensure all of Midland’s children have reading proficiency by the third grade.

Norman's further experience was listed as being a member of the PTA, as well as serving as a superintendent on the Parent Advisory Committee. 

She also has been affiliated with the MISD Strategic Planning Team, Abell-Hanger Foundation Diversity Council, IDEA Permian Basin Regional Advisory Board, Educate Midland's Hispanic Leadership Group, MISD Bond Planning Committee, Energize Midland School PAC and the MISD Bond Oversight Committee.

Norman was quoted in the release stating, “It has been more than a privilege to have worked tirelessly to support MISD as a citizen and a mom. I believe in my heart that showing up for our students, our teachers, and our families, even at times when it is not popular, is always the right thing to do. Today, I am asking the citizens of District 1 for the opportunity to serve them with that kind of persistence, that kind of passion and that kind of leadership."

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