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ECISD Names Temporary Superintendent

There's no animosity between ECISD and Dr. HT Sanchez.
By Devin Sanchez
NewsWest 9

ODESSA - There's no animosity between ECISD and Dr. HT Sanchez.

"The opportunity for him to be out in Tucson is an excellent opportunity for him," ECISD Board President, Ray Beaty, said.

But, after Sanchez's decision to accept the superintendent position in Tucson, there is a bit of disappointment amongst his supporters.

"He had something sure there and something possible here, so it makes sense that he left. I still feel it's our loss," Retired teacher, Chuck Isner, said.

Items B and C, which focused on naming Sanchez as the sole finalist for superintendent, were quickly omitted from Monday night's agenda, and the board went into closed session to discuss what to do next.

An hour later, the trustees emerged and named Brian Moersch, the Chief Business Officer for the district, as the temporary superintendent.

"There's immediate need for someone to be able to sign checks and conduct daily business," Moersch told NewsWest 9.

Beaty said the board is focused on finding an interim superintendent then moving the search to a permanent superintendent.

"The interim superintendent will be the key to get in place because that will be the necessity in order to help us work the district forward," Beaty said.

There's no timeline for when the new superintendent will be chosen, but according to Beaty, the vacant position will not have an affect on the students.

"Everybody knows their job or responsibility. We have a very good leadership team that's in place. If we've ever had a school year that's ready to be put into play, it's this one," he said.

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