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Ector and Howard counties added to FEMA's Disaster Declaration List

At this time Midland County is not included in this list.

ECTOR COUNTY, Texas — "This is the first time that a disaster of this magnitude has affected really and truly all 254 counties," Debi Hays, Ector County Judge said.

Help is on the way.

"It makes a huge difference because it opens the door to FEMA federal funds," Hays said.

Those federal dollars can go toward repairing winter storm damage. 

Just about anyone qualifies, as long as you're living within the counties on FEMA's list. 

RELATED: An additional 31 Texas counties have been approved for major disaster declaration, Abbott announces

On Friday that includes Ector and Howard counties.

"If it wasn't for all the residents that applied for individual FEMA funds then they wouldn't have recognized Ector county as a disaster area for FEMA," Hays said. 

Judge Hays said the funding will go a long way for local organizations.

"For example, the Jesus House lost all their food. The West Texas food bank needs additional food. There are shelters across the county that need additional funds," Hays said. 

For homeowners and businesses, relief through FEMA could come in the form of money for temporary housing, repairs, and low-cost loans.

As far as timeline, Judge Hays said she hasn't gotten any word from FEMA, but that she expects the money to come sooner rather than later. 

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