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Events suspended indefinitely at the Bush Convention Center after water line break

The convention center said only staff members were in the building when it broke.

MIDLAND, Texas — Crews continued cleaning the Bush Convention Center Wednesday after a water line broke Monday.

"Well we have experienced a loss due to water damage, due to a water main break in the south end of the building," said Karisa Danley, Communications and Marketing Specialist with the City of Midland.

The water main break caused flooding and water damage, so the first task is getting that cleaned up.

"Cleaning up, assessing any damage and learning more about the origin, and trying to investigate how that happened," said Danley.

Crews are using tools to dry the building and clean the inside. Meanwhile, the convention center is closed, and as of right now, it is uncertain how long that will last.

"The focus again you guys is get it cleaned up, get the repairs made and get people back in here," said Danley.

As for the future of scheduled events happening at the center, those holding them have been notified.

"They've called people end of February and march, we don't have a timeline yet," said Danley.

The good news is, other venues in the city are stepping up to help out.

"We're lucky because there are so many venues in midland, and they're working very closely with us to get people rescheduled," said Danley. "We know obliviously it's an inconvenience, so we want to make sure that they get on a different venue schedule for any events or celebrations that they might have."

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