ODESSA, Texas — Tuesday was day one of the Faudree Road project.
"Today kicks off the construction of the Faudree Road project so what is happening you'll see signs barricades going up today." said Hal Feldman, Traffic Coordinator for the City of Odessa.
This is just the start of the project, meaning construction workers and drivers have a long road ahead of them.
"The final project of Faudree Road will be the widening to a five lane roadway from 191 up to Yukon so this first phase of this project is really about a third of the construction corridor," said Feldman.
The project is happening because of all of the development happening along and around Faudree.
"The widening of Faudree Road is because of all the development out there in Parks Bells, there's the Idea Public School out there located on Yukon so all that traffic is using a two lane roadway. So the finished project will have two lanes in each direction, a center turn lane, sidewalk up the east side of the street, streetlighting; so that's what the finished project will look like," said Feldman.
The total cost is approximately $32 million. The entirety of the project is funded by the City of Odessa.
So for now drive safely and be patient with the construction and the workers.
"During construction you've got to be careful of workers, of construction equipment; there's going to be lots of activity out there so when you're traveling through the corridor be careful and be aware of your boundaries," said Feldman.
You can find updates on this project on the City of Odessa's website.