MIDLAND, Texas — Whenever you think of veterans that have served, you might picture the men who served.
But in today's day and age, there are also women who have served as well.
One female veteran from Lubbock wants to help bring awareness to these female vets through her passion for photography.
Sarah Weede is a U.S. Air Force veteran who came to Midland today to take photos of female veterans in our area.
She feels that female veterans don’t always get the same amount of recognition as their male counterparts.
“I know often times when you think veteran a lot of people automatically think it’s a male veteran," said Weede. "But now women are joining the military at a higher rate.”
All these photos she’s taking are part of a project of hers to bring awareness and attention to the women in not just our community, but also other communities in West Texas.
“I want the communities to see that females did serve in the community," Weede continued. "We raised our right hand just like our brothers did. We signed a blank check that was payable up to the amount of our lives. We stood there beside our brothers and we did the same job willing to lay down our lives.”
Weede says that she plans on having the pictures ready and sent out to the communities she's visited by June 12th, which is Women's Veterans Appreciation Day, as it marks the anniversary of the Women's Armed Services Integration Act in 2008.