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Is A Similar Park To Water Wonderland in the Works?

On the other side of one fence, there is outdated equipment, torn canopies, broken glass and graffiti. Water Wonderland was once the place to be in the summer, now it is a site of old memories.
By Sylvia Gonzalez
NewsWest 9

MIDLAND - On the other side of one fence, there is outdated equipment, torn canopies, broken glass and graffiti. Water Wonderland was once the place to be in the summer, now it is a site of old memories.

"It brings up memories among anyone that grew up here. I guess it's more of that, it's not so much bringing back Water Wonderland itself as it is bringing a new park for a new generation," Colton Stewart, creator of the Facebook Page Bring Water Wonderland Back, said.

He says economically it would be more expensive to rebuild Water Wonderland but he thinks having a water park in this area would be a great tourism tool for both Midland and Odessa.

"Attract people from Andrews, Big Spring, Fort Stockton and Kermit even. There's all kinds of surrounding areas that would come in and go to a water park," Stewart said.

In a month of having the Facebook page up and running, they've had over 4,500 likes. To Stewart, this symbolizes that there are many people wanting a water park.

Andrea Goodson, Public Information Coordinator with the City of Odessa says, they haven't heard from any group wanting a park similar to Water Wonderland. She says even if they had, it's a project that would take a lot of planning.

"They would have to look at the costs the location. Right now, water is an issue we would have to drill another well to supply water for that facility. There is a lot that would go into it," Goodson said.

Luke Hinshaw, who co-founded the Facebook page, says no matter what water park decides to invest in the Basin they would welcome it to start making memories with future generations.

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