MIDLAND, Texas — Midland Mayor Patrick Payton is joining forces with Keep Midland Beautiful to encourage citizens to keep the city clean this summer.
Suns Up, Get Up, Clean Up is a summer litter cleanup campaign that will run June through August.
Payton asked Midland citizens to do their part and take pride in the community they live in.
"We're going to have to pick up after one another after we pick up after ourselves. Maybe after time that pride will begin to spread and people will pick up trash and litter anywhere they see it," Payton said.
If you are interested in helping, KMB will provide all supplies and can even help you or your group find a place to cleanup.
Participants in the campaign will also get a free Honey Butter Chicken Biscuit from Whataburger for their help.
For more information on Keep Midland Beautiful, you can visit the website.