MIDLAND, Texas — Sunley was born with a rare heart condition, and has been in and out of Texas children's hospital.
However, thanks to the talented medical team, she has received extraordinary care and now her family and people across the country are doing what they can to make sure others like Sunley can get the care they need.
Filling up cups for a cause to raise money for a clinic at Texas Children's that would help people like Sunley who need specialized care for extremely rare conditions.
"I'm Sunley's grandmother, she has Hypoplastic Right Heart Syndrome she was born four years ago and she had her diagnosis at 20 weeks and so we all dove headfirst into the hear community at Texas Children's," said Cathy Oestmann.
Texas Children's has made tremendous strides when it comes to people with conditions like Sunley's.
"We've just been so amazed at the progress they've made with her and her half hearted buddies," Oestmann said.
On Friday and Saturday, people from all across the country held lemonade stands to raise money for the hospital, started by Sunley's mom, Elizabeth.
"She just put it out there if you'd like to host a lemonade stand July 22nd or 23rd or both and people just started signing up and we had someone in Alaska that was Elizabeth's volleyball coach when she was in high school and we have relatives, church friends, heart friends," Oestmann said.
People showed up to offer their support via donations in Midland, Odessa and throughout the country for kids and families that are going through something extremely difficult.
"There's also times that it's difficult because she's seen so many of her heart friends children's not survive and probably once a week someone just doesn't wake up," Oestmann said.
The goal of the write with light project is to help these families, and that takes research and medical advancements.
"They are learning so much everyday, it's moving so fast and they work with other hospitals they talk to other doctors, we've just seen great corporation and thinking outside the box," Oestmann said.
The write with light project hopes to have this event again next year. If you couldn't make it out to the lemonade stand today but would like to donate you can find out more here.