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Midland County elections administrator set to retire after 15 years with county

Carolyn Graves worked in the administrator role for three years.

MIDLAND, Texas — Midland County Elections Administrator Carolyn Graves will be retiring at the end of the fiscal year.

The decision was approved at Wednesday's Midland County Elections Commission Meeting.

Graves served in the administrator position for three years, and worked within the county for a total of 15. Her role as administrator eased the election process for everyone sending in results and votes to the county.

"We facilitate the elections for all the entities, and any election that is called by the governor," Graves said. "So that would be the primaries where both of the parties are involved, the general election and any county-called election."

With her retirement not going into effect until September, she will continue to clock in to work until her last day on the job.

This will help make the job easier for her replacement to transition into.

"I had decided a while back that I would retire, but I wanted to get everything ready for the next person," Graves said. "So, I'm working through the fiscal year, which will help out the auditor."

Another reason the commission gathered at the Midland County Annex Building was to name a replacement for Graves.

Rosa Olgin, who has spent the past five ears in the elections office, will be taking over the role of elections administrator when Graves retires.

It was her experience in the field that earned her the job.

"Every type of business has their own specialties, and elections… I always say we don't have rules, we have laws, and you have to know the laws," Graves said regarding Olgin. "With elections in the forefront, now we want to make sure that everything is right, and all of our T's are crossed and our I's are dotted."

Graves' retirement, however, will not have any adverse effect on local voters.

"That's why we're trying to get this planned beforehand, so that the transition will be smooth and the voters of Midland will be taken care of," Graves said.

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