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New entertainment district planned for downtown Midland

The district would revitalize streets and cut red tape while looking to attract a younger crowd.

MIDLAND, Texas — Updates to a proposed entertainment district were discussed at Tuesday's Midland City Council meeting.

The entertainment district would be around Centennial Park and spread through Big Spring Street and Main Street.

More open space would be provided for the city to hold events such as festivals, while much of the red tape that has limited such events from happening would cease to exist.

"There are a lot of things that happen now that they require special, what we call specific use designations. Those go away. You'll be able to, for instance, have a festival located down here. You wouldn't have to go through city council for approval. It will just be supplied information to staff to review it for safety issues," said Charles Harrington, Midland's director of development services.

However, a lot of the benefits of the entertainment district go towards pedestrians.

Propositions within the new new district call for lower speed limits, narrower lanes, wider sidewalks and lighting to illuminate all walk spaces.

City alleyways will also be revamped in order to provide more walkways to pedestrians.

"Alleys can become a very good thoroughfare for pedestrians, so we're looking to make alley improvements to make them more walkable, start accessing the alleyways from parking garages. The alleyways make a natural route to the parking area," said Harrington.

Harrington says the entertainment district will provide more traffic to local business such as restaurants. 

“It’ll just be better pedestrian wise so that they can get more pedestrian flow," Harrington said. "Our goal here is to change downtown to be more pedestrian friendly, and in doing that the entertainment district will be a big step.”

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