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New water technology can help bring produced water to West Texas

The Nomad Excel is a new water technology that helps create produced water from oilfield water. Water that helped save a farmer's farm in West Texas.

ODESSA, Texas — Behold "The Beast," or what is also known as Nomad Excel, one of just three pieces of equipment that can be a gamechanger for water production.

Senior advisor with agricultural company Encore Green Environmental, Marvin Nash, said this technology takes oilfield water, cleans it, then converts it to produced water. 

"That was the start of taking oilfield water and cleaning it up," said Nash. "But now we have produced water, we use it for fracking and it’s very recyclable." 

Since being established, it has cleaned millions of barrels of water and has been beneficial for landowners.

“Who better to work with than land owners that own all the land," said Nash.

Landowners like Cody Wilson, owner of his family's cotton farm in Midkiff, said this technology saved his farm.

"It’s my turn to farm and we can’t do it the same way anymore, we have to change," said Wilson. "Without rain right now, either we don’t grown cotton or we don’t grow anything, or we find a new source of water and we’re trying to adapt."

This new source of water production has been put to proper use to help grow his crops.

"What we want to do is instead of putting it back down the hole, we want to try putting it on the ground to grow some cotton," said Wilson. "So my son or my nephew or nieces, if they ever want to come back and farm, they can."

This can be beneficial for both landowners and those here in oil and gas. 

"Oil and gas and farming has been at odds through the years, but what I want everybody to know is, if we will work together we will solve this," said Wilson. "If landowners and oil and gas work together we can make this happen."

Until then, Wilson hopes to see "The Beast" on his farm to continue help it grow.

"The next couple of months, I hope to see this producing clean water to grow cotton in West Texas on my farm, on Wilson’s Farm in Midkiff, Texas, that’s what we’re hoping," said Wilson.

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