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ODC Vice President and Acting Chair Jeff Russell ousted by Odessa City Council

Odessa city leaders made the announcement at Tuesday's Odessa City Council meeting.

ODESSA, Texas — On Tuesday night, nearly three weeks after Odessa City Council voted to remove Odessa Development Corporation President Kris Crow, they've removed yet another leader.

City council voted to remove Vice President and Acting Chair Jeff Russell.

ODC helps promote the city and attract business and three weeks ago, Odessa Mayor Javier Joven said there had been a lack of communication between city council and ODC to help fix the city's aging infrastructure.

Russell says he is frustrated, but not surprised by the decision.

"It's really sad. I've lived here all my life. I want to see the city do its very best. We had a great ODC board and we accomplished a lot in the last few years, probably more when you look back on our history of any other time that I that I'm aware of in ODC history back to its very early to days," Russell said. "So I think it's real shame. I think we had a team that worked very good together on the ODC board. We got a lot accomplished and now the band is broken up as they say."

Former President Crow was in attendance to support Russell on Tuesday.

Crow told NewsWest 9 that he believes there was a lack of patience as they were working towards finding a legal way to allocate taxpayer dollars to help fix the city's aging infrastructure.

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