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Odessa Emergency Preparedness Fair being held Saturday free for the public

The Odessa Texas Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of LDS' Fair will have safety demos, kits & CPR classes to help people prepare for any future emergencies.

ODESSA, Texas — When natural disasters or severe weather strikes, often times people aren't as prepared as they could be. 

"It is unexpected and that’s the nature of the disaster so being prepared for that and knowing what your next steps should be puts you way ahead in terms of survival and being able to be resilient. So having that preparedness mindset will make you a better, resilient person to deal with any disaster that happens," said Tracy Austin with the Red Cross.

In order to get people in that mindset, Odessa Texas Stake is having an Emergency Preparedness Fair this weekend for the public. 

"We recognize the importance of being prepared and we want to help others in the community be prepared for emergencies as well," said April Bushman, with Odessa Texas Stake Church of the LDS. 

The fair will have all types of classes and demos, from CPR classes, Crime and Safety classes with Odessa Police and Odessa Fire & Rescue, learning about alternate light and heat cooking sources and building emergency kits.

"It’s important for us to be prepared as members of our Church. It's not just about our members, we're about the community and our friends and our family. And sharing the things we know and helping others who are in need and this has been a great opportunity to share knowledge and help others," said Bushman.  

Austin stresses the importance about having emergency kits ready and doing the best you can to keep you and your family ready for anything. 

"The best thing to do is to be able to shelter in place so have those emergency needs, lots of blankets, lots of water, lots of food, everything you’re going to need for three days. You should have in your home ready at all times," Austin said.

The Emergency Preparedness Fair will be Saturday, February 26th, 2022. It will be held at 5401 JBS Parkway, Odessa, TX from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Come out to learn about how to better prepare yourself for emergencies.

Credit: Odessa Texas Stake Information
Credit: Odessa Texas Stake Information

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