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Odessa Humane Society Speaking Out About Dog Dumping

The Odessa Humane Society says dog dumping is becoming a growing problem. They say they're seeing more and more dogs dumped on the side of the road, and often times they don't survive. They have a message to those dog owners; there's other options.

9-26-15 The Odessa Humane Society says dog dumping is becoming a growing problem. They say they're seeing more and more dogs dumped on the side of the road, and often times they don't survive. They have a message to those dog owners; there's other options.

"Dumping your dog shouldn't even be an option. Period. Shouldn't even be a thought that somebody has," said Tera Harrington, a board member for the Odessa Humane Society.

The Odessa Humane Society says when a dog is dumped by it's owner, there's a good chance they will die. It's something they see first hand. Just this Saturday morning their most recent rescue passed away due to starvation after being dumped.

"She was severely severely dehydrated and starved. You could see every bone in her. She didn't live 24 past us getting her and bringing her here," said Harrington.

The Odessa Humane Society says since the downturn in the oil industry, the number of dogs dumped by their owners has increased greatly.

"I would say that it does have to do with the economy not being as good. Saying 'I can't take my dog with me because I'm moving, I need to find him a good home, or I don't have the money to feed my dog.' Well that, in my opinion, is not an excuse," said Harrington.

The Odessa Humane Society is now speaking out, begging dog owners to call them first before dumping a dog.

"You know yes, we may be full but we're going to do everything in our power to help you find a place for that dog. Don't just leave it on the side of the road to fend for itself. 9 times out of 10 we're going to find them a place and if we can't we're going to make them a little kennel here in the corner until we can," said Harrington.

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