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Rep. Pfluger, Sen. Seliger share more details about Midland migrant facility

Pfluger says capacity is 700 at the Midland facility.

MIDLAND COUNTY, Texas — Questions, with few answers.

"We've written the secretary of HHS and the department of Homeland Security and there's not been an answer," said August Pfluger, Texas' 11th district US house representative.

Initially Midland migrants were set to stay for 2-4 weeks, but now that's looking to be longer and lawmakers are starting to get frustrated.

"So I'm going to stay in touch. I wrote a letter to the attorney general to seek an injunction to stop these relocations until local communities are advised," said Kel Seliger, Texas' 31st district US senator.

But Midland is not alone. The need for more migrant facilities goes beyond Texas. Facilities that are currently filled beyond capacity, like in Donna, Texas, sparking conversation about the safety for the people inside.

"Have any of them had to go to the hospital because of COVID? And the answer to that was no. They have had 3 children who went to the hospital for other issues. I said well who is paying for that. It is the office of Refugee Resettlement that's within Health and Human Services," Pfluger said.

According to Pfluger, the children he saw inside Midland's facility look healthy.

"The children looked healthy and they're receiving meals and they have time to do recreational activities," Pfluger said.

Moving forward, senator Seliger is asking governor Abbott to send environmental ground officials to facilities across Texas, ensuring that they are safe, healthy and up to environmental code.

Seliger and Pfluger have visited the Midland migrant facility. 

Seliger says the facility in Midland is in better condition than the one in Dallas. He says the key is to keep it up to these high standards.

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