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Tall City Brewery Company hosts Boss Babe Market

Tall City Brewery Company lent space for the Boss Babe Market, a market for women owned businesses.

MIDLAND, Texas — The Tall City Brewery Company in Midland hosted the Boss Babe Market today.

“I’ve been participating in this event for the last four months… It supports us women and it helps us stick together.” said Crystal Callaway, a vendor and the owner of Kitty's Coven.

The market is organized by three women.

Alice Garcia, Melody Garcia, and Diana Rodriguez.

“Boss Babe Market is a market that is inclined to showcasing local women owned businesses in the Midland and Odessa area. We created this market to give an equal opportunity to every single female vendor out there a chance to bring out their products whether it’s retail or whether it’s homemade.” said Alice Garcia, one of the organizers.

The market is also a family friendly event where besides shopping people can just come out and have some good food.

But all the vendors that come appreciate more than just the business.

“It’s awesome seeing all the women support each other and the community support all the women owned businesses. We work really hard to set this all up and just try to be successful.” said Melissa Hopkins, a vendor and owner of Style to Go.

The Boss Babe Market isn’t going anywhere anytime soon and hopes to have more and more vendors as time goes on.

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