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Vehicle strikes a teenage girl in Midland

Video captures the moment the SUV crashes into her as she's crossing the street. According to the owner of Home of the Midtown Soldiers, she suffered a broken leg.

MIDLAND, Texas — Camera footage from the nonprofit organization known as the Home of the Midtown Soldiers Gym (HMSG) captured the moment a vehicle crashed into a girl as she was crossing the street.

It happened on June 26, at 200 E. New Jersey Avenue.

According to the owner of HMSG, the pedestrian was a teenage girl who was meeting her friends to practice for a Quincenera dance at the location.

The video showed several people running towards the girl following the impact. 

"We ran to her real quick and one of the first things we did was grab padding from the rings to slowly lay her down on," said Lalo Lujan, the owner of HMSG. "Everybody started crying. Even the girls who were already there stopped practicing, they were worried about her."

Lujan shared the girl was hospitalized at a nearby hospital in Midland. According to Lujan, she suffered a broken leg and is recovering from other injuries. 

According to the City of Midland, the driver was given a citation for lack of insurance. Also, police do not suspect the driver was speeding at the time. Additionally, the city also shared it did not appear the pedestrian looked both ways prior to crossing the street. 

The gym is located down the street from a public school and the location of the nonprofit organization is considered a residential area. 

Lujan shared more than two-thirds of the gym's visitors are children below the age of 15 years-old. Despite this driver not being suspected of speeding by the City of Midland, Lujan shared one of the gym's main concerns is people driving above the speed limit. 

According to the City of Midland, it is working with the police department to attempt to place a speed trailer along this stretch of the road.

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