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The Wagner Noel revisits plans about when to open with Governor Abbott's newest announcement

"Anything that gets us in front of an audience, even if they’re spaced further apart or wearing a mask it’s going to be a pleasure," Sean Altman, performer said.

MIDLAND, Texas — After postponing over 15 events since being closed due to COVID-19, the Wagner Noel Performing Arts Center is getting ready to be back in the limelight, including the artists set to perform there.

"I know I can speak for both of us when I say that we’re eagerly awaiting to get back on the road and see our audiences in person," Jack Skuller of the Everly Set said. 

With governor Abbott’s newest announcement to allow 900 seats in this West Texas venue, management at the Wagner Noel is working quickly to decide how they’ll reopen.

"We will be looking very closely at the types of artists and the shows that we can bring in," Stephanie Rivas, general manager at the Wagner Noel said. 

As they want to make sure to fill every available seat.

"As far as getting revenue back in I don’t think that we would say that we would flood back in and just run. I think it’s important to really take our time," Rivas said. 

They want to ensure safety, comfortability and cleanliness above all, by wiping down every commonly touched surface and limiting the amount of contact in the facility.

"I’m curious to see what the different rules will be in different communities, whether people will be wearing masks or just (using) a lot of hand sanitizer," Sean Altman of the Everly Set said. 

The performers more than anything are just excited to get back on center stage and to hear the clapping of a crowd versus dead silence.

In just a short while, these halls will be echoing choruses of laughter and song.

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