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Man's arrest goes viral on TikTok

After a man was arrested in April 2020, a former Fort Stockton police officer posted the video of the arrest on TikTok despite the case still being open.

MIDLAND, Texas — What you post matters, at least that's what Ruben Rivas is trying to argue in Fort Stockton. Video of his arrest is now viral on TikTok, posted by the officer who arrested him, Jordan Roebuck. Roebuck is no longer employed by the Fort Stockton police department.

Rivas was arrested and charged with possession of meth in April 2020, a felony. However, he believes that the videos that were posted have done more damage than the consequences of the arrest itself.

"I looked at it and said oh wow that’s the cop with me when he was arresting me, and I said that cop is not supposed be doing that because that case is still pending. It’s still an open investigation," Rivas said.

The videos are embarrassing for Rivas as well.

"I just feel so ashamed. I feel embarrassed. I mean I know what I did was wrong, he knows what I did was wrong, but for him to post like that just for him to get the kicks out of it that wasn’t right man," Rivas said.

Roebuck posted the arrest, split into parts, onto TikTok over the weekend, and Rivas wants to know why.

"I called the Fort Stockton police department to ask if this guy still works for them, Jordan Roebuck and he said no he got fired," Rivas said.

Roe is no longer an employee of the police department, but it's unclear if Roebuck was fired or if he quit. Either way, Rivas said that it isn't right for him to relive a low point in his life on social media before even going to trial.

"It just made me look worse to the public. I lost a couple of contracting jobs, the homeowners do not wanna work with me because of that video. I have a daughter that’s about to graduate, and I don’t think I’m gonna be able to go see her when she graduates," Rivas said.

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