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What's next for the Western United Life Building?

The lot it stood on is being cleared of rubble caused by the explosion.

MIDLAND, Texas — Ever since the implosion of the Western United Life Building, construction crews have been hard at work cleaning up the rubble that has been left behind.

The lot must be cleared and leveled in order to make way for new development.

Sara Harris, the executive director of Midland Development Corporation, says that the MDC is already receiving interest in the vacant lot.

However, she also expressed the need to keep the lot in good condition.

"Proposals were received last Friday. We're really thankful for all the organizations that have shown interest in downtown Midland and we're really excited to see what is coming next," Harris said. "In the meantime, we'll just want to make sure that we take good care of that space and make sure there isn't a lot of blowing dust or weeds coming up. In the interim period we will take care of that well."

Taking care of the space is a top priority. Not only does it need to be in appropriate condition for future businesses, but crews must be weary of any dust they kick up during work.

If a lot of dust gets kicked up, traffic and passersby could be affected by the dust clouds, especially if the winds push them out faster.

"We want to make sure that doesn't happen. We took good care of the building while it was still standing so there wasn't any unauthorized entry," Harris said. "(We) took care of the landscaping, so we'll continue to do that around the property so that it's not an eyesore in any way."

Four proposals have been brought to the MDC.

While an official timeline for selecting a proposal isn't set in stone, businesses have to meet certain criteria to better their odds.

"On the selection criteria for the request for proposals, there were some qualifications mentioned including value of private investment in the land and also something that would fit the aesthetics of downtown Midland," Harris said. "Ultimately, something that is really usable for Midland and visitors would be a great amenity."

Clean up of the lot is expected to be completed in about six weeks.

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