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Democratic consultant says the Party needs clarity to move forward and build momentum.

Matt Angle says it needs to be clear whether President Biden is in or making moves to hand the presidential nomination over to VP Kamala Harris.

DALLAS — For weeks, the Democratic party has been in turmoil as a group of party members has called on President Biden to step down as the party’s presidential nominee. Biden has resisted.

Pressure is intensifying daily with Democratic leaders, lawmakers, and donors saying publicly that President Biden can’t win re-election and shouldn’t be on the ticket.

Matt Angle, who is principal of the Lone Star Project, says it’s the President’s choice and he has earned the right to make it.

“Democrats. We are strong. We stand on our own. We make our argument. But Joe Biden's earned the right to make the decision himself.” Angle told Inside Texas Politics.

The Democratic National Convention is on August 19-22. And the deadline to get on the ballot for the November election in some states is quickly approaching, making some Democrats nervous. Angle thinks there is enough time to win if the Party focuses on the task of defeating former President Trump.

“There are over 100 days left in this election. That's a long time. It's important that this gets resolved quickly and we return our focus to the most important thing, and that is Donald Trump,’ said Angle.

Angel says there are a lot of people worried about the state of the Presidential election, but they’re more worried about the fact that there is talk going on in public.

“There's an understanding of people who've followed politics is that now's the time that we need to be talking about our common interests, our common goals, bringing our coalition together and talking about why the democratic choices are better than the Republican choices. That's the worry,” declared Angle.

The Democratic consultant thinks that if the Democratic Party comes together quickly, keeps its campaigns going, and picks up momentum around the Democratic National Convention, then the Party will be ready for the November election.

Angle told Inside Texas Politics what he’s watching for in the coming week.

“Clarity that, we need to see … what the signals are out of the White House and the people surrounding the President. It needs to be either, clear that he's in or that they're making the moves to hand it off to Kamala Harris. That's the most important thing, because, again, we need to stop focusing on ourselves, stop focusing on our differences, and focus on the most important thing - and that's stopping the Republicans from destroying our democracy.”

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