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U.S. Senate candidate makes stop in Odessa

Texas State Senator Roland Gutierrez met with voters in Odessa for his primary campaign tour Sunday.

ODESSA, Texas — Senator Roland Gutierrez met with voters for a meet and greet today at Ajuua’s Mexican Restaurant in Odessa Sunday, which is one of many stops on his primary campaign tour. 

“So we’re going to talk to everybody in Texas about the real problems that they’re facing and those problems are just day-to-day economic issues on how we’re making it, how we’re able to make ends meet, how we’re able to pay for our healthcare," Gutierrez said. "I represent a community called Uvalde, Texas. So in this campaign we will be talking about guns and common-sense gun safety solutions and how we’re going to keep our children safe. We need to talk about Medicare for all, we need to have healthcare affordability and college affordability for young people. We also need to talk about women’s reproductive rights.”

Though he talked about issues affecting the country nationally, he also wanted to address topics and issues that, in his eyes, would affect the local Midland-Odessa community. 

“Listen, we’re all in this together and we need to embrace the energy jobs that are here but also talk about an energy transition and how we take those jobs into the new energy jobs of tomorrow," Gutierrez continued. "When you do that, you’re not hurting the workers here in this community but you’re also looking forward for their jobs of the future. We have to understand we are hurting the environment; we have to make sure that we can transition into those jobs in a way that we’re also taking care of the families here in this community.” 

The senator's next stops will be Marfa and then El Paso.

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