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How to get the most out of your water usage during extreme summer heat

There are several ways to use water efficiently and effectively. Having water awareness during this time of the year is key for saving water.

MIDLAND, Texas — As the triple-digit temperatures continue in the Permian Basin and rain chances stay low, being aware of your water usage is more important than ever. 

There are many ways to be responsible with your water usage. Living in the harsh conditions of West Texas means water awareness is key. 

As the summer sun shines down, our landscapes are feeling the heat as much as we are. 

“The things that our trees, and our plants, and our flowers go through because of our harsh conditions, sometimes it’s just amazing that they do as well as they do," said Doreen Womack, executive director of Keep Midland Beautiful. "But, they need as much opportunity to thrive as they possibly can.” 

Womack calls it water awareness, and she knows where that opportunity is typically lost. 

“Watering in the middle of the day and not seeing where your water is going," said Womack. "Turning on your water and not making certain that it’s actually watering the grass area where you want it to go to, or the flower bed, or the vegetable garden.” 

Watering in the morning gives you the best usage of water thanks to less evaporation. Watching how long you water will also help. 

“It’s important that you stick around for a little while, because if the water does saturate an area and it starts to runoff, I mean, water is costly, and it going down the sewer, it doesn’t make any sense," said Womack. 

Under the hot West Texas sun, saving water has a lasting impact. 

“It really is the cycle of life, and so not wasting it, and also being sure that you’re raising a family that’s water aware," said Womack. "Of course it’s going to save you money, but it’s going to help our kids in the future, and that’s really important.” 

Womack mentioned that using extra water from washing dishes to water your plants is another way to be efficient with your water usage. She also noted that when it does rain again, be sure to turn off your sprinkler system afterwards. 

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