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Tips for National Motorcycle Awareness Month

With May being a month where many love being outside and taking in the sun, there are tips that motorcyclists should follow.
Credit: Spark

TEXAS, Ga. — Along with May bringing the sun and nice weather, comes the joy of wanting to be outside and take in the sun.

Some of the people who love embracing the sun and getting a nice breeze in their hair are motorcyclists.

However, in order for motorcyclists to really take in the day, all operators on the road must be aware of some safety tips that need to be followed in order for everyone to be safe.

These tips are:

  • Allow motorcycles the full width of a lane at all times. 
  • Always signal when changing lanes or merging with traffic.
  • Check all mirrors and blind spots for motorcycles before changing lanes or merging with traffic.
  • Passenger car drivers must always allow greater following distance behind a motorcycle.
  • Always wear your helmet when operating a motorcycle!
  • Motorcyclists should avoid riding in poor weather conditions. 

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