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Flooding in Odessa impacting homeowners as well; American Red Cross opens shelter

Some homes along WCR 122 had floodwaters enter on Monday. One homeowner said this is not the first time it has happened, with flood insurance again not available.

ODESSA, Texas — It was a historic day of rainfall for many areas in West Texas on Monday. 

As a result, flooding has impacted some on the roads and in their homes. 

On West County Road 122, there were several homes impacted by the flood. 

“This one is the worst," said Norma Wright, a homeowner on WCR 122. 

Relentless rain on Monday hit some people harder than others. 

“Stressful, tiring, I’m just exhausted," Wright said. 

Wright was one of those people. 

“We noticed that the water was coming in and from then on it was...usually about two inches deep at least through my whole house," Wright said.   

Other areas of Odessa still had standing water Tuesday afternoon. 

The American Red Cross Permian Basin Chapter is getting action teams ready for damage assessment. 

“We can see what the damage looks like, then we can identify with each client individually what their needs are, what we can or can’t do for them [and] what partner agencies we can work with to help them get through their recovery plan depending on what’s going on," said Shane Bell, disaster action team coordinator for the American Red Cross Permian Basin Chapter.

Back in the Wright household, a bubble of water even broke some floor tiles and now they are left in a familiar spot.  

“This is like our third or fourth flood already and we’ve replaced this and that...because we can’t get flood insurance out here and nothing is covered," Wright said. 

Wright said they can’t get flood insurance because they don’t live in a flood zone. 

She hopes someone will do something about it. 

“We really, really believe that it’s the new development over here – that they don’t have enough drainage," Wright said. 

Bell said the American Red Cross Permian Basin Chapter has set up a shelter at Refuge Ministries off of 57th St. in Odessa. 

Bell added that folks can call them and also 211 for an agency that can help them with what their situation might be. 

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