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How to recognize the signs of heat stroke and heat exhaustion

The symptoms of the two are distinct, and one is much more serious than the other.

TEXAS, USA — Temperatures are starting to get into the 90s for parts of West Texas, and some areas of Big Bend are even reaching 100 degrees.

With temperatures that high, it's important to practice good heat safety.

Heat exhaustion and heat stroke are two common issues you might face when dealing with these kinds of temperatures.

Symptoms of heat exhaustion include feeling faint or dizzy, excessive sweating, clammy skin, nausea, muscle cramps and a weak pulse.

If you are experiencing these symptoms, you are advised to get to a cool place, drink lots of water and try to cool off.

Alternatively heat stroke can cause headaches, a high body temperature, a rapid pulse, hot and dry skin, lack of sweat and even loss of consciousness.

If you or someone you know experiences these symptoms, you should call 911 immediately and try to keep that person as cool as possible.

Other types of heat-related issues the CDC says you could run into include heat cramps, heat rash and sunburns.

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