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The U.S. has had the most active tornado season since 2011

2024 has seen the most tornadoes in over a decade with 99 occurring within Texas.

This year has been quite an active severe weather season so far. A confirmed tornado touched down at the Midland International Air & Space Port, causing damage to power lines and several industrial buildings. 

The National Weather Service is conducting a survey to rate that tornado and NewsWest 9 should have an official EF rating soon. That tornado is only part of what has been an impressive year across the nation. 

So far, 1,072 tornadoes have been recorded across the U.S. as of May 30. The U.S. on average sees about 753 tornadoes by this point in the year. This has been the most active since 2011, which saw the deadliest tornado in modern U.S. history in Joplin, Missouri, killing 158 people. 

In 2024, it hasn't been as deadly with 38 fatalities being reported so far. Eight of those deaths occurred in Texas. 

The good news is that our tornado season is almost over, according to history. Tornado, and severe storm activity, generally comes down during the month of June and is relatively low through July, August and September. 

Despite the destructive nature of tornadoes, hail and flooding, heat is actually the number one weather related killer across the United States. 

As we head out of severe weather season, people will have to endure deadly heat as the summer months are upon us.

You can find more tornado info and stats here.

RELATED: Severe Storms and Dangerous Heat for the Next Week | West Texas Forecast

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